Senators Bennet & Hickenlooper Request $2.5 Million Appropriation for Rico Sewer Project

Vacant buildings on east side of Hwy 145 - Glasgow Ave in Rico, Colorado
Ore Cart photo -September 28, 2019
Both Senators announced October 19, 2021 their requests to include many Colorado community and non-profit organization projects in Senate appropriations bills through the Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) process. Some of these funding proposals were recommended by both Bennet and Hickenlooper, including the Town of Rico sewer project.
Excerpts from the announcements (below) explain CDS:
Sen. Hickenlooper announcement:
To qualify, CDS requests must be submitted by local governments or non-profits. Senators may then request inclusion of these projects in one of the twelve annual funding bills. Congress will now negotiate final appropriations bills — both the House and Senate will have to vote before they become law and communities receive funding. Hickenlooper will continue pushing to make sure Colorado funding remains in the final package.
Sen. Bennet announcement:
The Senate is expected to vote on the bills by the end of the year either individually or as a combined package.
Unknown at this time is who submitted CDS applications to the Colorado Senators' offices, and when. Ore Cart has requested this information from both Senator's offices, and will update this report if responses are received.
Former Rico Town Manager Kari Distefano mentioned the status of the Rico proposal near the end of the October 20, 2021 Rico Board of Trustees meeting. This topic was not on the published agenda.
Links to more info
Senator Bennet
- CDS applications list > Scroll down to INTERIOR, ENVIRONMENT AND OTHER RELATED AGENCIES, tap/click (+) to expand, and scroll down to Town of Rico.
- Announcement
- CDS applications list > Scroll down past middle of page to Senate Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee section. Continue down to Town of Rico.
- Announcement