Rico-ARCO VCUP Draft Plan
approved by Trustees for preliminary State review
Rico-ARCO VCUP Draft Plan
approved by Trustees for preliminary State review
also . . . Bedrock Subdivision final plat approved

screenshot: CDPHE VCUP website
Rico Board of Trustees
regular monthly meeting
October 20, 2021
Rico Board of Trustees
regular monthly meeting
October 20, 2021
Bedrock Subdivison

Map (above) of Bedrock Subdivision from Conceptual Plan submitted by applicants to Town of Rico earlier in 2021. The new subdivision is at the north edge of Rico within the existing municipal boundary. Subdivision boundary is indicated by heavier black lines. Residential Lots 1-5 are adjacent to Silver Street near the top. Commercial Planned Unit Development (CPUD) Lot 6 is below 1-5 in the map, and is adjacent to Hwy 145 - Glasgow Avenue. North is left.
Applicants are Dave Bulson and Michelle Haynes, representing Bedrock 3, LLC.
History of subdivision application
October 2020 >Process began -- Planning Commission and Board of Trustees joint work session with applicants to preview the subdivision proposal.
April 2021 >Rico Planning Commission the approved the Conceptual Plan.
October 13th, 2021 >Rico Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Bedrock Subdivision final application to the Rico Board of Trustees.
October 20, 2021 > Rico Board of Trustees voted to accept Planning Commission recommendation.
Subdivision description
The following is a summary of details in subdivision application documents submitted to Town of Rico.
5 Residential Lots
Lots 1 - 5
- fronting on existing Silver Street
- size approximately 1/4 acre
- purchase open to any buyer
- domestic water will be provided with a 250’ waterline extension which will be constructed prior to any lot sale
- waste disposal via individual septic systems
1 Commercial Planned Unit Development (CPUD) Lot
Lot 6
- access via a private driveway off of the existing St Louis tunnel access road and will not use any existing Town roads
- size 2 acres
- “locals-only” deed restriction
- CPUD allowed uses are single family dwellings, duplexes and triplexes, accessory structures and uses, including home occupation, commercial, and light industrial
- if use is residential, maximum density of housing being proposed on this lot is 26 bedrooms and 13,000 square feet of heated space as single family, duplex or triplex
- a single water tap extended from the new main serving Lots 1-5, appropriately sized to accommodate the proposed density
- waste disposal via a single shared septic system