Short Term Rental
survey results

113 responded to Town of Rico opinion poll
Charts reproduced below from the Rico Board of Trustees February 16, 2022 regular monthly meeting Trustees Packet are results of the the recent Town of Rico Short Term Rental survey. Town received 113 survey responses.
Town of Rico has scheduled a Board of Trustees Short Term Rental Ordinance Work Session for March 7, 2022 at 7:00 PM.
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mat end of this report
Respondent's place of residence
Most survey respondents reside in Rico.

Short Term Rental properties regulated
Most respondents believed Short Term Rentals should be regulated in Rico.

Short Term Rentals impact on affordable long term rental housing
Responses were nearly equally divided between Agree and Disagree that Short Term Rentals will reduce availability of affordable long-term rentals. Options were:
(chart below - top to bottom)
- Agree
- Disagree
- Neutral

Short Term Rentals impact on tourism
Agree that Rico will be more to appealing to tourists if Short Term Rentals are allowed collected about 2/3 of responses. Options were:
(chart below - top to bottom)
- Agree
- Disagree
- Neutral

Short Term Rentals as a source of revenue
Agree that Short Term Rentals are an important source of income received about 2/3 of responses. Options were:
(chart below - top to bottom)
- Agree
- Disagree
- Neutral

Short Term Rentals impact on noise, parking, and property damage
Disagree that Short Term Rentals will cause more noise, require more on street parking, and cause property damage received nearly half of total responses. Options were:
(chart below - top to bottom)
- Agree
- Disagree
- Neutral

Property owner classes allowed to offer Short Term Rentals
Homeowners in their primary residence drew the largest approval total. Options were:
(chart below - top to bottom)
- homeowners in their primary residence
- people or investors who own the property they do not live in
- people or investors who own multiple properties
- other

Preferred locations for Short Term Rentals
Commercial Area received the largest number of responses. All areas of Rico received more than 60% approval. Options were:
(chart below - top to bottom)
- Commercial
- Historic commercial
- Residential
- Mixed use

Nights per year limit
No limit received the largest number of approvals. Options were:
(chart below - top to bottom)
- STR should not be allowed
- Up to 30 nights per year
- Up to 60 nights per year
- Up to 90 nights per year
- Up to 180 nights per year
- No limit on the number of nights per year

Total number of short term rentals
No cap (limit) received the largest number of approvals. Options were:
(chart below - top to bottom)
- less than 5% of homes
- 5-9% of homes
- 10-19% of homes
- 20-29% of homes
- No cap on short term rentals