Town of Rico
VCUP Presentation

Rico Town Hall/Courthouse - Thursday, February 24, 2022 - 6:30 PM
Town of Rico Mayor Nicole Pieterse speaks to audience during Question & Answer portion Voluntary Cleanup (VCUP) presentation. Persons seated at left include forum speakers from Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and Town of Rico's VCUP legal counsel.
The VCUP presentation repeated Saturday, February 26 at 10:00 AM. A combined total of 34 attended the two presentations in-person, and 25 viewed the webcasts, according to Rico Town Manager Chauncey McCarthy.
Graphics below are a few of the more than two dozen presented at the VCUP presentations, and explain these topics:
- Number of VCUPs in Colorado
- Examples of large housing development VCUPS
- Financial benefits Atlantic Richfield (AR) will provide to Town of Rico
- Additional benefits AR will provide to the Town
- Summarizing VCUP benefits
- Next steps
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- 1573 VCUPs in 2021
- 1500 VCUPs since program began in 1994
Examples of large housing development VCUPS
- Gold Hill Mesa: over 500 single-family homes and multi-unit residences on 210 acre mill tailing site
- Stapleton airport redevelopment: mixed-use residential commercial and industrial, over 30,000 residences
- Idalia Court: 42 residential units on old landfill
- Iron Works Village 136 new single-family homes at 1920s metal foundry
Financial benefits AR will provide to the Town

- Annual stipend of 25% of Town Manager's salary
- Town fund to reimburse property owners for costs of complying with soil management program ($75,000 to start; replenish each year)
- Pay for Town Subcontractor to serve as liaison between Town and Soil Management Program Contractor when Contractor managed by AR
- Pay for Soil Management Program Contractor when Contractor managed by Town
- Pay for remediation of surface of Town roads where lead concentration exceeds action level
- Stipend to Town for expenses Town incurs administering road remediation project
- Reimburse Town for certain costs, expenses, and attorney's fees related to implementation of Soil Management Regulations
Additional benefits AR will provide to the Town

- Sampling or payment for sampling of soil at properties not previously sampled
- Remediation of developed properties with lead above action level
- Maintenance of Lead Soil Repository to accept soil with lead above action level
- Technical assistance to property owners conducting excavation activities (help with permits, answer questions, provide guidance)
- Provision of clean fill dirt and remediation materials such as fabric marker
- GIS database showing soil sample results and remediation status of properties in Town
Summarizing VCUP benefits

- AR provides financial support, technical support, and materials
- In Phase 1, AR will remediate all developed lots in town that have lead above action levels
- AR pays to remediate town roads
- AR provides access to repository for soil exceeding action level
- Protects public health and the environment
- Will minimize unnecessary disturbance of town environment through phased approach
Next steps (each subject to consent of the Town)

- CDPHE develops lead action levels (LALs) for consideration by Town and AR
- AR and Town finalize VCUP application and jointly submit to CDHPE
- Town considers ordinance to add Soil Management Regulations to Land Use Code (consistent with procedures and usual process)
- Town and AR negotiate and enter into funding agreement
- Town and CDPHE enter into intergovernmental agreement (IGA)
- VCUP application, funding agreement, and IGA will be reviewed and may only be approved at public meetings
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top image source:
Town of Rico
webcast screenshot
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