SMPA 2022 director election candidates for District 3 including Rico announced
Two candidates:
Norwood incumbent
Rico challenger

Portion of San Miguel Power Association March 2021 director districts map showing District 3. Western area including Redvale, Naturita and Nucla are omitted.
Ore Cart edits
to SMPA map
April 16, 2022
Ore Cart publisher is one of the
SMPA director candidates
Candidates submitting nominating petitions for the San Miguel Power Association director elections are from Norwood and Rico, at opposite ends of the San Miguel Power Association director district:
- Norwood: Dave Alexander - incumbent, SMPA Board of Directors vice-president, self-employed rancher.
- Rico: Allyn Svoboda - retired electric cooperative engineer. Publisher of Rico Ore Cart news; and electric energy research, development and trends site.
Election schedule
Director candidates were required to submit nominating petitions with 15 or more valid member signatures by April 7, 2022. Certification by the SMPA Elections Monitor of more than one certified candidate started remaining election procedure:
April 25, 2022
Date of Record. Members who join or who make changes to primary account after this date may not be eligible to vote in 2022.
Before May 20, 2022
Completed nominating petitions available for public review.
Mid'-May, 2022
Ballots mailed. Online voting opens May 16 at 8:00 AM.
June 8, 2022
Mail-in & e-ballot deadline. Online voting closes at 12:00 PM. Mail-in ballots must be received by SMPA by close of business.
June 9, 2022:
A virtual event. Election results announced. See to register.
Why vote?
Electric cooperatives such as San Miguel Power Association are governed by a board of directors elected by cooperative consumer-members. SMPA director responsibilites include:
- Set Board of Directors policies
- Hire the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
- Approve budgets, expenses, and use of assets
Voting options
- mail ballot
- online
- SmartHub app
- dropoff
San Miguel Power Assocation director elections, candidate qualifications, and voting options are described at Elections page.
An excerpt of the voting options is reprinted below. SMPA consumer-members who previously provided an email address to SMPA will receive a Voter Intent Survey for selecting a voting method via email message. SMPA instructions for how to prevent this message from diverting to spam or junk folder are reprinted below.
- Desktop Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo! Mail users may apply filters.
- Mobile app Gmail and Yahoo! Mail users must first locate the message in the spam/junk folder to change its status and de-activate the spam filter for this sender. Mobile app users may consider adding the sender's address to Contacts in advance.
- E-Ballot: To assure your election-specific broadcast email arrives safely in your inbox on or around May 16, 2022, simply add the following email address as an approved sender (See Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo! Instructions (next paragraph). You can also access your e-ballot on your SmartHub web or mobile app.
- Those District #3 & #6 members for whom we have an email on file have the option of receiving a paperless ballot. They may express their wish for this option on the Voter Intent Survey, which will be emailed in the last week of April. To insure that you receive this survey, please add the following email address as an approved sender (See Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo! Instructions.)
- By Mail: For those District #3 & #6 members who don’t opt-out of a paper ballot in the Voter Intent Survey, paper ballots will be mailed in mid-May. Mail-in ballots must be RECEIVED by the close of business on June 8, 2022.
- All Paper Ballots: The voter's signature must correspond to the name on the account. (This name is shown on the outside envelope in which all voting materials are enclosed.) Ballots of joint memberships may be signed by either party. For voting members other than individuals, signatures should include a title.
- Drop-Off: Ballots may be dropped off at either the SMPA Ridgway Office at 720 N. Railroad St. or at the office in Nucla at 170 W 10th Ave. Ballot boxes will be removed at the close of business on June 8, 2022.
- All Paper Ballots: The voter's signature must correspond to the name on the account. (This name is shown on the outside envelope in which all voting materials are enclosed.) Ballots of joint memberships may be signed by either party. For voting members other than individuals, signatures should include a title.
More info
How to whitelist email sender Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo Mail
. . .
As a consumer-controlled electric cooperative, San Miguel Power Association (SMPA) is overseen by a seven-member board of directors who are elected by the membership. Directors serve four-year terms. Each year, one or two directors, representing their geographic district, are elected. This year, the Board election is for District #3 and District #6.
In District #6, which includes Ridgway and much of Log Hill Village, the incumbent director, Debbie Cokes is running unopposed. She will be deemed re-elected per SMPA bylaws. No ballots will be sent to voters in this district.
In District #3, which includes Dunton, Norwood, Placerville, Rico and Sawpit, current director, Dave Alexander and challenger, Allyn Svoboda are running against each other for the seat.
Electric consumers in District #3 will elect their director this year by secret ballot. Voters have three options on how to vote:
- They may vote using a secure online ballot. (Be sure to “whitelist” the email address to vote and to turn off your paper ballot.) The online ballot is also accessible through the free online and mobile app, SmartHub.
- They may vote by mail. (Paper ballots will be mailed to all eligible voters who have not turned off their paper ballot.) Ballots must be received by June 8th.
- They may drop off ballots at the SMPA Office in Ridgway (720 N. Railroad St.) or in Nucla. (170 W. 10th Ave.) Drop-off ballots must be received by 5:30 PM on June 8th.
Results of the election will be announced at the conclusion of the online Annual Meeting, on June 9th. See to register.
San Miguel Power Association, Inc. is a member-owned, locally-controlled rural electric cooperative with offices in Nucla and Ridgway, Colo. It is the mission of San Miguel Power Association to demonstrate corporate responsibility and community service while providing our members safe, reliable, cost effective and environmentally responsible electrical service. SMPA serves approximately 9,600 members and 14,000 meters and supports local communities with $300,000 annually in property taxes and $400,000 in energy efficiency and renewable energy rebates. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.