Sen. Hickenlooper listens to Rico's infrastructure concerns
Sen. Hickenlooper listens to Rico's infrastructure concerns
August 17, 2022 tour of business area &
"roundtable" discussion with local government representatives and citizens
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Colorado U.S. Senator John Hickenlooper (center) chats with Dolores County Commissioner Julie Kibel (left) during "roundtable" introductions at Fireweed Cafe in Rico, August 17, 2022. Looking on are Rico Trustees Joe Dilsworth (2nd from left), Pat Fallon (right), and Mayor Nicole Pieterse (2nd from right).
Ore Cart photo - Aug 17, 2022
Rico and Dolores County local government representatives discussed infrastructure needs with U.S. Senator John Hickenlooper Wednesday afternoon, August 17, 2022 at Rico. The group included members of the Rico Board of Trustees, Rico Fire Protection District board, and Dolores County Commissioners from Dove Creek.
An August 16 email to Ore Cart from the Senator’s press secretary described the purpose of Senator Hickenlooper's Rico visit:
Tour of main street in Rico and roundtable to discuss critical infrastructure needs to enhance Rico’s small business and workforce housing opportunities.
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The walking tour of the Glasgow Ave - Hwy 145 business area began mid’-afternoon. Discussion “roundtable” followed at the Fireweed Cafe at about 4:35 PM. Several Rico citizens not representing government attended. Total attendance was about 40, not including the Senator’s staff and a regional representative of the Colorado Department of Local Affairs.
Comments, questions & answers
Rico Mayor Nicole Pieterse opened the discussion with comments about Rico infrastructure status and needs. Others described concerns and asked questions about Federal funding for local infrastructure projects, broadband Internet, and Rico Post Office temporary staffing plus future risk of its closure.
Senator’s comments
Federal funds for local infrastructure: “We should not tie local and State governments’ hands for how to use the money.”
Broadband Internet: “For 50 to 60 bucks per month you ought to have decent broadband.”
Future postal service: Is a concern of many small towns. Senator advocates for preservation of small town postal service. Should not be a problem for 10 years. Is concerned that Rico’s beauty may induce one of his staff to apply for the open Rico Postmaster position.
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U.S. Senator John Hickenlooper (green jacket) chats with Rico citizens during a walking tour of Glasgow Ave/Hwy 145 business area. Location is Rico Elementary School.
Ore Cart photo - Aug 17, 2022
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