Helicopter Delivered CDOT Avalanche Equipment & SMPA Pole for Rico Powerline Repair
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November 18, 2020

- Ore Cart photo November 18, 2020
October 18, 2020 - 1:50 PM
Helicopter gets airborne at Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) garage north of Rico. Avalanche mitigation equipment is attached by tether below for delivery to one of five sites. The same helicopter transported a utility power pole at about 1:00 PM to San Miguel Power Association (SMPA) crews repairing the powerline which delivers electric service to Rico from Sunshine Substation near Ames.

- Ore Cart photo November 18, 2020

CDOT avalanche mitigation equipment - west side of Highway 145 north of Rico.
- Ore Cart photo November 18, 2020

Avalanche warning sign adjacent to Highway 145 north of Rico.
- Ore Cart photo November 18, 2020
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More info:
New Avalanche Control Systems in Place for US 6 Loveland Pass, CO 145 Lizard Head Pass: Colorado Department of Transportation, November 24, 2020.