The Rico Center Announces Funding for COVID-19 Response Support

Funding provided for Food Bank & Town's groceries/supplies shuttle service.
RFPD 2020 grant funds reallocation to support info service approved.
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Reprinted below: correspondence from The Rico Center president Cristal Hibbard describing recent action by The Rico Center Board to approve funding requests for COVID-19 community support efforts.
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April 2, 2020
On Wednesday, March 25th the Rico Center Board held a virtual emergency executive session to consider two requests we received that week from community organizations in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Due to the time-sensitive nature of the applications and the need to discuss and vote on grant requests in the privacy of an executive session, a public meeting notification was not posted.
The first request the Board considered and approved was from the Rico Volunteer Fire Protection District. The RFPD requested to reallocate $1500 of their 2020 grant award from funding a ballot measure to expand the district towards COVID-19 response related expenditures. The ballot measure project was tabled by the RFPD Board and may be pursued another year. The $1500 will be used, as needed, to support additional administrative time related to keeping the website updated with the most accurate public information on the virus, maintaining contact with Dolores County, and any other unforeseen tasks. I would also like to point out that the RFPD website (Rico Fire Protection District) is a good source of information on coronavirus, Dave has worked hard to keep the links current and all compiled in one place - important as it seems things are changing day to day!
All of these are "as needed" and the monies will only be disbursed as they are being spent.
Kari (Distefano - Rico Town Manager) shared the Telluride Foundation's Good Neighbor Fund, which Rico residents are eligible for, which can provide relief beyond the services that the Town of Rico is providing: . . .

Graphics above reprinted by permission of The Rico Center
COVID-19 information sources at
Rico Fire Protection District website - - provides links to COVID-19 information from these organizations:
- Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)
- Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Town of Rico
- San Miguel County
- Dolores County Office of Emergency Management
- Montezuma County
- Telluride Medical Center
- Southwest Memorial Hospital - Cortez
- Mercy Medical Center - Durango