2,000 Ride the Rockies cyclists stop for refreshments in Rico
Midpoint of 100-mile leg from Cortez to Norwood
A busy morning in Rico, Colorado. Ride the Rockies 2021 cyclists pedaled into town mid'-morning Tuesday, June 15, 2021. The Cortez-Rico-Norwood segment comprises Day 3 of this year's six-day tour through the southwest Colorado mountains. Ore Cart's photo album follows:

Northbound Ride the Rockies 2021 cyclists arrive at Rico, Colorado.
Ore Cart photo - June 15, 2021

Ride the Rockies 2021. Highway 145/Glasgow Ave at Silverglance Way - Rico, CO.
Ore Cart photo - June 15, 2021

Ride the Rockies 2021. Highway 145/Glasgow Ave at Silverglance Way - Rico, CO. Colorado Department of Transportation gutter and sidewalk construction work on west side.
Ore Cart photo - June 15, 2021

Ride the Rockies 2021 flagger directs cyclists to Rico CO Town Park for refreshments. Flagger told Ore Cart the number of cyclists passing through Rico is 2000, and is the maximum accepted for Ride the Rockies reservations.
Ore Cart photo - June 15, 2021

Ride the Rockies 2021 cyclists queue-up for refreshments at Rico CO Town Park.
Ore Cart photo - June 15, 2021

Ore Cart photo - June 15, 2021

Colorado State Patrol motorcycle officer confers with Ride the Rockies 2021 flagger - Rico CO.
Ore Cart photo - June 15, 2021

Ride the Rockies 2021 cyclists stop for local food and beverage at Rico Coffee.
Ore Cart photo - June 15, 2021